Rövid utca, a jobb oldali járdáról. Közvetlenül jobbra egy sötétebb bézs árnyalatú épület, melyről itt-ott lejött a vakolat. Az épületnek egy, nagy ablaka van, barna redőnnyel. Az épület bal oldalán egy másik, nagy, enyhe narancssárga színű épület. Függőlegesen elhelyezett felirat, egy táblán az épület oldalán: HOTEL BARBAKÁN. A hotel két emeletes, fent kisebb teraszokkal. A teraszok alatt lámpások lógnak. Az épület mellett egy "MEGÁLLNI TILOS" tábla. Kicsivel messzebb az épület bejárata látható, felette magyar zászló. A bal oldalon egy sárga, alul kövezett ház, mellette két árnyat adó fa.

Barbakán Hotel

The Barbakán hotel is located in the centre of Pécs in a great place, and is easily accessible on foot from the city centre. Its accessibility is medium, somewhat doubtful, so based on our description everyone should judge for themselves whether it is acceptable to him.

There are stairs at the front door, but there is a driveway and an accessible entrance on the right side. The door isn't automatic. Entering the hotel the area is accessible, cosy, spacious, the reception desk is accessible from a wheelchair, there is a bell on the counter.
There is an elevator upstairs, which is accessible and can accommodate a wheelchair with an escort. For visually impaired people the elevator buttons have Braille written on it, but there is no loud information.
There is no induction loop for hearing impaired people.

Two rooms are called accessible rooms in the hotel, but the baths are not accessible in our opinion. The entrance doors of the room are wide, without thresholds, the rooms are quite spacious, but the beds are not higher, there is no alarm bell.
The bath and toilet are in the same room, however, you can not get in the door with an electric wheelchair, because it is not wide enough. The interior of the bath is also cramped, the shower has a high tray. So the bath is not accessible!

There is no accessible menu. It can be used from a motion damaged point of view. As a visually impaired person, you can read well with screen reader software.

Getting there:
by public transport from the main station with buses 34Y, 35Y to “Barbakán” stop. After landing a 150-metre walk. On the pavement is a barrier: missing canal cover about 40 metres from the hotel.

by car there are two parking options: on the street opposite the hotel, or indoors, which can be reached by the main entrance in a driveway. No accessible parking is marked but the parking lot is quite wide.


7624 Pécs, Bartók Béla u. 10.
Accessible Toilet

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