Welcome to the People First Public Benefit Association – Pécs homepage!
We don’t make a difference between man and man, for us is the People first! Our association operates as a first and currently single Hungarian member of an international network in Pécs.
Our main goals are to support independent living at all levels, accessibility, and the widespread promotion of accessible tourism.
If you decide to do something as a member of the association for our fullest acceptance in society, so that we can decide our own lives as independently as possible, we are happy to welcome you!
By clicking on the “Adományozok” (Donate) button you will help us to achieve all these activities. Thank you for your support!
Check out the menu items on our website and write to us, comment, we are always happy about it!
Explore barrier-free Pécs!
In our Accessible Pécs database you will find the accessible locations in Pécs revealed by the expert members of our association, with thorough descriptions and photos. Our members – disabled and able bodied – visit hotels, restaurants, cafés, tourist sights, cultural and sport attractions, shops, churches, public buildings, public toilets, hiking trails. We put our sticker also on the main entrance of all barrier-free locations.
Under “Barrier-Free Pécs” you can read what we do and how we do it, and you can find the locations in the database (by clicking on the blue button).
Our work is constantly updated.
The database is completely free for everyone, but it costs us money to maintain it. We look forward to receiving your support by one or regular transfer on the Adományozok (Donate) button.
We are waiting for you too in our InnClusive community space!
The People First Public Benefit Association has achieved their long-established dream and created a community space in downtown Pécs called InnClusive. Its primary goal is social inclusion and support of independent living.
Even with its name we’d like to encourage people to come inside for a coffee, tea, to chat, take part in activities where we could get to know each other as people with disabilities and the non-disabled.
Read more in the InnClusive menu item!

Illusztrációs kép: egy kis nyíl éppen betalál egy darts tábla közepébe. Fölül egy hangszóró és egy szöveg: Nagy hír! Breaking news! Alul egy keretben szintén szöveg magyarul és angolul: Közhasznú szervezet lettünk. Became a public benefit NGO