Diana étterem bejárata. Egy kerekesszékes férfi várakozik a bejárati ajtónál, vele szemben egy elegánsan felöltözött férfi áll. A kerekesszékes úr mögött van a rámpa, mellette jobbra pedig a lépcső.

Diana Restaurant

Diana Restaurant is located in the center of the "Kertváros" district of Pécs, a very popular restaurant among its inhabitants. It's not exactly barrier-free, but it's accessible.

There is a comfortable ramp in front of the front door. The door opens outwards, so you can get in with help. The entrance to the garden area is 30 metres from the main entrance, it is always open during the summer season, so it is accessible. The interiors are accessible by wheelchair.

In the conversation with the manager we raised the need for accessible toilets. According to his response a makeover is being planned, which could include an accessible toilet.
Accessible toilet sits nearby in Krisztina Square at the Kerek Világ Foundation.

Diana is not accessible to the deaf and visually impaired, but the staff are helpful.

Getting there:
by bus buslines 3, 103 from the city centre, landing at Berzsenyi stop, which is not accessible! Busline 6 has to get off at the Krisztina tér stop, it is accessible, from here it is a 10-minute walk on a slightly sloping asphalt through Krisztina Square, the sidewalks are accessible.

by car 100 metres from Diana's entrance there are 2 accessible car parks at the base of Diana market.


Diána tér 10
Accessible Toilet

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