![Előttünk faasztalok és székek láthatók, minden négyzet asztal körül négy szék. Összesen 6 ilyen szett van elhelyezve, háromnál ülnek is mások. Jobb oldalon egy alul fehérre festett, fölül szürkére festett épület, magas ablakokkal. Az ablakok között viszonylag nagy hely van kihagyva. Az épület jobb oldali szélén bejárati ajtó látható, fölötte táblával. A táblán a következő felirat áll: SZABAD KIKÖTŐ. A felirattól balra egy logó is látható: alul egy egyenes vonal, fölötte egy hullámos vonal.](ötő-utcai-terasz-1024x768.jpg)
Well-known and popular loose style pub, restaurant, during the day a family meeting place, café, lunch place, and evening event and concert venue.
It is worth visiting the end of Király street here, because at noon special vegan menu dishes are available, and the children's indoor playground is also quite unique.
In the summer of 2021 Szabadkikötő was completely renewed, it became twice the size, the interiors were redesigned, beautified, a gallery was built, but what is important is that we were listened to and made it accessible.
The entrance is accessible with a small threshold that can still fit in it, the indoor space can be comfortably accommodated, the counter is a bit high but the staff are very helpful.
Attention has been paid to the fact that the rear new tract is led by a comfortable wide ramp, and a separate accessible toilet also serves all needs. Congratulations!
Getting there:
by bus 2, 2/a, 4, 4/a, 14 get off at "48-as tér" stop, buses 25, 29, 33, 40 at "Búza tér". From here the venue can be reached in 5-6 minutes without barrier.
by car we know one accessible parking lot by car in Búza tér.
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