Is there still a justification for segregation today?!
Are there specific problems for people with disabilities, or are all the problems needed for independent living a common social phenomenon?
These were the questions we explored at our second Disability and Independent Living discussion on 18 March 2025 at the House of Civic Communities. We were delighted to be able to repeat the extremely active and inspiring discussion we had last time. Proving how much there is a need for similar conversations, both in terms of the topic and the circle of participants. Such a gathering of all actors involved in the development of independent living – people with disabilities, family members/supporters and innovative thinking institutional staff – to meet and learn from each other’s experiences is unprecedented.
At the current discussion, the circle of participants was enlarged, and Szilvia Bognár, the civil councillor for social relations of the Mayor’s Office of the City of Pécs, accepted our invitation. On behalf of the press, we thank Pécs TV and Dunántúli Napló /Bama for their visit. It was a rare occasion, and therefore a special pleasure for us, that Szilvia Bognár and the press officer of the Dunántúli Napló stayed for the whole discussion, actively participating and enriching the exchange of ideas with very important thoughts.
After the presentation of our Erasmus+ Indeed project, funded by the European Union, which made the series of talks possible, an exciting part of the discussion followed. At the last workshop, several of our disabled peers raised the point that they had benefited from segregated education and that they would like to see a place for it in today’s inclusive world. In the ongoing forward discussion that started on this, we concluded that segregation as a concept has outlived its time. Yet, if we listen carefully, it is present in our world today, and not always in a harmful way. In other words, the team does not consider segregation itself to be useful, nor does it wish for its return, but it has a place in some forms in the world today. Whether it will be the result of an evolution and disappear or be transformed, the future will decide. However, the topic was very inspiring and the team would like to pursue it, possibly with the involvement of teaching/education professionals.
Another topic of discussion was whether people who want to live independently in today’s world face the same problems as people with disabilities. Going around the topics of work, housing, health care, transport, separation from parents, the need to know own rights, the discussion team concluded that yes, basically the problems and expectations are the same. However, in some segments, people with disabilities need special attention and special help. But it is important to note that although accessibility came out as a specific need in each of the topics, it is still useful for everyone who wants to live more comfortably.
Our Indeed project will soon end with a very useful Guide, available also in Hungarian for everyone. It will provide useful guidance on how to generate similar local conversations on developing independent living, in addition to the methods and experiences of the participating partner countries.
The project is a continuation of the Erasmus+ FairCare project we have already launched, in which we are broadening the target group and discussing the importance of independent living with all people who need long-term care. In the same way involving all the parties who need to be present in the development of independent living. Here we will also develop training materials and set up advisory teams of participants from the three sides in each country to implement the “Nothing about us, without us” principle.
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