Last Hidden City study tour in Czech Republic
Our Hidden City Tor Tour project showcasing as a best practice, supported by the International Visegrad Fund, has reached an important stage. We were able to see all three international versions during the professional visits. A fantastic experience to watch three different cities, as three completely different approaches to the Hidden City sensitizing downtown walks are implemented. The next important step in our joint V4 project will be a final conference in the near future.
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First newsletter of our CODE project
Our CODE project aims to make the banking sector and financial services more accessible. The aim of this unusually broad partnership is to achieve social inclusion in this sector, and to increase the involvement of people with disabilities in this area. You can read very briefly about this in the attached first newsletter.
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The “Hidden City” went to Poznan!
We took part in a very enjoyable Hidden City Tor Tour in Poznan/Poland, between 15-17 July 2024. We also learned a lot. We pass on our Hidden City Tor-Tours as best practice to our Czech and Polish partners. We wrote training material and held an online training, then our partners developed their own methodology and now we can already see the results.
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Indeed project meeting in Zilina/Slovakia
It is a great and motivating feeling when a professional meeting is not only useful but also pleasant! At the face-to-face meeting of our Indeed international Erasmus+ project on independent living in Zilina on 18-19 June 2024, we learned a lot about independent living in Slovakia. The work is continuing and we will meet again in person in October, this time in Pécs/Hungary, hosted by the People First Public Benefit Association.
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New steps towards accessibility in Pécs
We have received several requests to help make Pécs' important sites accessible to all. It was a great experience to meet again with people who want to do something, to have useful discussions and to know for sure that we are moving towards a more accessible environment again. Which should not forget that it is GOOD FOR EVERYONE!
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Study tour in Pécs on our Hidden City project
Our Polish and Czech partners visited us for a three-day study tour in Pécs. In the framework of our project "Walk in our shoes", supported by the International Visegrad Fund, we presented our Hidden City Tor-Tour to our project partners as a best practice. This one was the first step of visiting each other. We are looking forward to our next study tours in Poznan/Poland in June and Vrchlabi/Czech Republic in August, to see what the Polish and Czech versions of the Hidden City look like!
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The organisation of the 8. Barrier-free Tourism Day has started
This is the 8th year that we and our partners have organised a national, inclusive festival where everyone can have fun together disabled and able-bodied, and where participants can try experiences that they would otherwise not have, or only very rarely. The organization of this year's, 2024 festival started today.
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About the database in our first ever podcast
There is a great online newspaper, Mecseki Müzli, which summarises the most important news of our region every week. And its podcasts cover interesting local or even more far-reaching topics. Veronika Pataki, the president of the association, and Hilda Kerekes, a member of the board, were happy to attend such a good-mood podcast discussion.
The main topic was our Barrier-free Pécs Database.
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Fly from Pécs/or to Pécs barrier-free
Barrier-free tourism will be a key issue in the near future, that much is already certain. More and more elderly people are travelling, more and more people with disabilities are travelling - hopefully as independently as possible. Read about the accessibility of Pécs-Pogány Airport and our cooperation in its development in our Barrier-free Pécs Database!
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New international project launched
We are involved in a project with a special theme and a very topical subject, in an unusually large international partnership. It is increasingly important that people with disabilities are able to access financial services and banking products without barriers, and that they have a thorough knowledge of this sector, of security and of the difficulties that may arise. This is the subject of our latest international project, CODE.
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