Project title:
Comparison of approaches to independent living for and by people with disabilities in Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, and Germany.
Project period:
01.10. 2023. – 31.03.2025.
KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Partner organisations:
VSBI, Verein zur sozialen und beruflichen Integration e.V. – GERMANY
People First Közhasznú Egyesület, Pécs – HUNGARY
Fondaziona Luigi Clerici – ITALY
Nadácia Krajina harmónie – SLOVAKIA
Project summary:
Exchange of knowledge and experience between four partner organisations working on disability and independent living and providing services in Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Germany.
Through partner organisations, people with disabilities and professionals can learn about the best practices and knowledge of disability, social inclusion, self-determination and independent living in these four countries. As active participants, people with disabilities themselves participate in the project on an equal footing with their own experiences, needs, good and bad experiences, and the necessary evelopment ideas – as they are the best experts in their field.
This international exchange of experience will enable the participating partners to initiate the creation of a European network on disability and independent living, which will allow the development of comprehensive concepts at European level in the future.
The project addresses the three main objectives of the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030:
- Promoting the transition from institutional to community-based care
- Promoting labour market participation
- Promoting education and lifelong learning
The results are collected by the project in a publicly accessible online format, which includes identified approaches, information on methods, and stories told by people with disabilities.
The partners will establish guidance on how to support the creation of conversations/discussions about disability and independent living and how to treat different participants as equals.
Target groups:
people with disabilities,
self-advocates who are interested in the topic,
employees of organizations that work with people with disabilities
The main task of People First Association as a Hungarian partner in the project is:
People First will be responsible for dissemination. Develops a communication strategy, creates project messages, develops stakeholders analysis, plans the the project communication.
It is also important to ensure that the target groups of the project are reached and involved.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.