
Closing report: “If there are no barriers, we’re coming too!” ECK project

Our main goal was with the ECK project was to make disabled people an active part of local society. We could reach that with all project elements.

The Barrier-free Tourism Day is increasingly well-known at national level and since 2019 in an international level too. New elements have been added, e.g. presentation of disability sports, involving a new location (sports camp), which have all made significant progress. In the organizing team disabled people are more and more active. The number of volunteers is constantly growing and expanded with new arrivals like students and high school students who are particularly keen to volunteer with us. Volunteers are important element of social sensitizing. 

Exploring barrier-free hiking  trails project element proved to be an excellent community-building activity within the association and the involvement of the local population was also successful in this project element. An unexpected effect was the strong media interest.

We developed a methodology to the Hidden city barrier-free guidance project element, and tried it on 6th of September with serious interest. It was also a great opportunity to build contacts with local populations and actors in tourism. The future continuation of the project element, the inclusion in the permanent tourist offers in Pécs proved to be a greater task than we thought, but the opportunity has arrived at the end of the project. We have also prepared to continue it in our international Peer-AcT Erasmus+ project.

A methodology has been developed also in Barrier-free advice project element. Here we are looking for additional partners, mainly lodgings in Pécs and the area around Pécs.

It was an important goal and impact in the whole project to make Pécs better and more livable.

ECK was the most complex project so far, which required a lot of work but thus brought satisfaction, recognition, external and internal success and brought new tasks. The greatest achievement is the increase in the activity and responsibility of the members.

It is difficult to highlight one as the best moment of the project, but since the best way to achieve the accessibility in our minds  with enjoyable, cheerfully performed sensitisation, the Hidden city barrier-free guidance can be highlighted. We really enjoyed it, and the participants too. It’s a pleasure to show our city, it’s a pleasure to work with good partners. This is part of accessible tourism, which will be of great emphasis in the life of our organization in the future. We have already had serious results, we can boast of many best practices in Hungary and abroad. This is the project element that demonstrated the best the internal professionalism, which draws attention to the fact that people with disabilities are equally people. In this case, they are equally qualified in terms of diploma, language skills, creativity, innovativeness and even humor.

Thank you ECK!

Workshop on participating in accessible tourism

Workshop on participating in accessible tourism

The first multiplication workshop of the international project that focuses on accessible tourism has been recently held for people living with disabilities in Pécs. Participants of the workshop gained insight into the project’s goals, its outcomes, and were informed about the application process for the free training, the knowledge and qualifications they would gain, as well as future employment opportunities in accessible tourism.

The Hungarian partner in the project is Zöld-Aktív Szociális Szövetkezet, co-partner is People First Association. What makes the topic of the workshop special is the fact that accessible tourism is a brand new player in the economy, not only in Hungary, but all over Europe. From an economical point of view, its emergence is inevitable, as people living with disabilities want to participate in the tourism sector both as service users, and as part of the work force. The latter is the main goal of Peer-AcT Erasmus+ international project, which gives the opportunity to people with special needs and disabilities to train as Peer Councillors, with inclusion and equal opportunities in its focus. The methodology is developed by adult educators, prospective trainers living with disabilities, as well as tourism professionals. At the end of the training, combining personal experience and professional knowledge, participants will be able to give advice and provide training in all fields of accessible tourism: transportation, accommodation, gastronomy, leisure activities, guided tours and city planning. In the future, they will work as trainers and consultants both in the tourism industry, and for decision-making bodies.

Participating partners in the project are Germany, Italy, Spain, Croatia and Hungary. Duration of project: 01.11.2018.- 30.04.2021.

The Hungarian partner is in charge of developing the methodology, i.e., how peer-mentoring is organised in the field of accessible tourism. As a part of this task, we have carried out a survey in 5 countries. With the professional leadership of the Department of Marketing and Tourism, University of Pécs, we are carrying out an in-depth analysis of the potentials of accessible tourism.  Members of People First Association, a partner of Zöld-Aktív Szociális Szövetkezet, are actively helping the project with their expertise and personal experience; they participate in developing the  peer-mentor training, and pilot trainings for service providers in the tourist industry.  Members of the association are the prospective trainers.

In the near future, we are going to organise a similar workshop for tourism service providers. 

For more on the project:

and in the “Projects” menu on this website.

General meeting: what’s coming in 2020?

We held a general meeting yesterday to evaluate the year 2019 and start 2020.

Great ideas and plan have been made. It is good to see that more and more members are actively and enthusiastically involved in our local, national and international programmes.

We have new members, who hope to have the same fun as we.

We continue believe that we are stronger together, so we work with other NGOs as much as possible. Follow us here or on our website, or in Instagram: peoplefirstpecs in English too.

We promise it will always be exciting what we do! 

Guidance training in accessible tourism

Guidance training was given us today in the framework of our ECK project by two experts of Tourinform Office Pécs to be even better in accessible tourism.  We would like to develop our “Hidden city barrier-free dowtown guidance” project as a city thematic tour, in co-operation with the city’s tourism actors. Just follow us and you will see the outcomes!


Together In Partnership! A summary of 2019

This time last year we promised that we would be even more active and cohesive, and that, within the limits of our possibilities, we would strengthen the cooperation between local civil organisations. We feel we have succeeded. We have new members, new partners, new projects, and took part in every meeting and event that we possibly could. More and more of our members take an active role in the life of our association, they contribute with their ideas, opinions, write blogs, organise and take part in public events, work in team projects, travel abroad, attend trainings, strengthening and shaping our community.

The events of 2109 in a nutshell:

We wrote lots and lots of grant applications, some of which have won. Our activities have been organised around two main projects:  Strengthening Civil Organisations 2019 – SCO/ECK (  As part of this project we have been exploring and assessing accessible hiking trails, and were co-organisers of the 3rd Barrier-free Tourism Day. As well as that, we have developed the methodology for barrier-free architectural consultations and have advised local tourist service providers. In cooperation with our partners in the tourism industry, we created a barrier-free tour of the city of Pécs, entitled ‘Hidden City’. Our project team members received remuneration for the work they did.

In November we participated in another successful SCO grant application, as a result the 4th Barrier-free tourism Day will take place in September 2020.

Our other main activity is our ‘sticker’ project, which we have won in collaboration with Pécs Community Foundation. This project has raised more awareness to our work within the community (  This project involves the gap-filling activity of exploring barrier-free tourist attractions of Pécs. Our members visit various places, every single place visited is evaluated, and categorised based on its accessibility. Accessible places are awarded a sticker, designed by our members, which is then placed on the entrance door. Finally each place is then entered into a database on our website, with photos and a written evaluation. The database is available to the public both in Hungarian and English ( Our project team members did this work, which is of invaluable importance, for a very modest payment.

In August we won another NFSZK FOF2019 grant, which means we can continue our sticker project, adding new criteria to the assessment.  ( )  

Cooperating with and sensitising younger generations, especially those in secondary school, is very important to us. We have been successfully working together with the students of two secondary schools who are doing their community service. Secondary school students can continue to do their community service with our association.

According to the goals of the Local Action Program for Equal Opportunities we have joined forces with other civil organisations to establish an NGO network that would help the work of the local government. We attended and co-organised workshops. Setting up a disability committee is still a priority for us.

Instances of civil cooperation: we had several discussions at the regular afternoon meetings organised by Kerek Világ Alapítvány, in May we attended an open day for civil organisations (Nyitott Udvarok Napja), in June we attended a workshop organised by Civil Közösségek Háza on national and international good practice, as well as workshops on accessibility with the participation of local service providers. We are building a relationship with Kilátás Alapítvány, with the hope of future collaboration in the area of purchase of equipment. We took part in Szomszédság Akadémia, and have given a talk on social campaigns. Last but not least we are working together with Budapest NGOs to establish independent and assisted living.

Our international relations have broadened as well. We have been participating in international projects, have travelled, studied and worked abroad. We organised workshops for people living with disabilities on how to set up a business as a part of an Erasmus+ project, establishing FairShares social enterprise model in Hungary. Its final conference held in English, in Pécs was well attended. In March we developed a sensitising game in cooperation with our German partner, VSBI in Pécs, which we followed up by testing it in 5 German towns, with the help of our members. The goal of Peer AcT Erasmus+ project is to train peer mentors in accessible tourism. In May we attended an international conference in Osijek, and in November two of our members participated in Germany in a week-long training run in English. The training will be repeated in Hungary in early 2020, to pass on the knowledge to five other association members.

Realising the power of social campaigns we have started a number of them and participated in many others both nationally and internationally. Just to name a few of these:

In April we started the ‘Why’ campaign in which we explain briefly why certain things in the world of people living with disabilities are the way they are. Why, for example, disabled parking spaces are so much wider than regular ones; what the tactile guide stripes for the visually impaired mean etc.. To read about the campaign click on ‘Why’ on our homepage ( 

In the international campaign InKLOsiv, we showed accessible toilets in Pécs.

In June, People First joined TASZ as a supporting organisation in their campaign for independent living and personal assistance, entitled ‘A Day off for Every Family’.

In October, within the framework of a campaign organised by ‘Lépjünk, hogy léphessenek Alapítvány’ we organised an open forum with the mayoral candidates, where our members talked about their experiences with support services in Pécs and studying at university; women raising children with disabilities; and everyday life in nursing homes.

Our website has a new menu entitled ‘Barrier-Free Pécs’, where barrier-free locations in Pécs can be searched for in various ways. This menu is both for locals who would like to plan their shopping, run errands or just go for a walk, and for tourists planning to visit Pécs. The menu is also available in Hungarian and English.

All the while we had lots of fun spending time together hiking, drinking coffee, exchanging ideas, discussing, convincing each other, visiting concerts, festivals and conferences, playing sports, working…

On 25th December we closed the year with a very cheerful Christmas party where – as always – we welcomed friends and people from Pécs.

To be continued in 2020.

Join us! Follow us!

We continue to explore the accessibility of Pécs!

We continue our accessibility discovery work in Pécs.

The earlyer “sticker” project go on now in FOF2019 project (

We have extended our work with new points of view (new sites, how do you get there?- bus stop, crosswalk, sidewalk, parking.., and point of view of hearing impaired, visually impaired).

All this will be uploaded on the website Barrier-free Pécs menu in English too:

Follow the new discoveries on the Facebook too:


A meeting with the mayoral candidates of Pécs

Yesterday, our members had the opportunity to take part in a discussion with the mayoral and local government candidates of Pécs, concerning their strategy for social provisions if they are elected.

The discussion was part of a series of events, organised in several cities around the country by Budapest TASZ (the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union). The organisations present were”Lépjünk, hogy léphessenek Egyesület”, “Önállóan lakni – közösségekben élni szervezet”, in Pécs People First Association also took part. Members of People First Association provided comprehensive information concerning the situation of people living with disabilities in the city.

Gergő Berkes a student of the University of Pécs, talked about studying, the invaluable role of the Support Service, and how – as a wheel-chair user – he would not be able to study without their help. He told those present that he is the occupant of the one and only barrier-free flat owned by the local government of Pécs. He said this has greatly enhanced his progress towards independent living, which he is hoping to start in the near future.

Szandra Hegedűs, mother of a person with a disablility, was talking about how she has been preparing her, now 26-year-old son, Krisztofer for living as independently as possible, and how they have created the circumstances for him to live ‘independently, yet not alone’, in his own flat.

Henriett Szekeres is a wheel chair user from birth, and she talked about institutional living, detailing its difficulties and its possibilities. Life is ok in “Malomvölgy nursing home”, the residents physical needs are met, however the staff are overworked. The nursing home is far too big, individuals get lost in the system, independence is impossible, individual rights are violated and residents often sink into apathy.

János Kővári (ÖPE, Association for Pécs), dr. András Szabó és dr. József Kóbor (LMP, Politics Can Be Different),  és András Pap (independent ) took part in the event  and they all gave information regarding their strategy for social provisions if they are elected. Many topics were touched on in the discussion: Pécs has relatively many facilities that provide care to help the development of children with disabilities; services provided should correspond with the needs of the parents – autonomy – Support Services; and the  participation of university students as volunteers is vitally important.
János Kővári informed those present about a plan to create an independent living facility with 8-10 flats in Pécs, as part of desinstitutionalisation.

All speakers were of the oppinion that the cause of independent living must be supported. People should receive care and support according to their needs. In order to achieve this the local government needs a housing strategy, which does not exist at the  moment. There is also the issue of barrier-free environment.  The first step towards creating a barrier-free city, besides the practical solutions, is changing the mentality of people.
The candidates also expressed their intention to take an active part in the campaign to have home-based care recognised as a full time job. 

All participants agreed that both the elderly and the disabled should be looked after by their family, but the families must be supported by the state.

All candidates welcomed the creation of a Disability Council by local civil activists and look forward to its establishment and future collaboration. According to János Kővári, in order to facilitate cooperation between the Disability Council and the local government, the appointment of a rapporteur will be neccessary, who will represent the Council before the local government.

Mid-term report on the project entitled “If there are no barriers, we’re coming too!”/ECK

All four parts of our “Strengthening Civil Organisations 2019” – shortly ECK project, funded by Open Society Foundations, running between 1. March 2019 and 31. January 2020  are making good progress.
1. Barrier-free Tourism Day
The Third Barrier-free Tourism Day took place on 7. September 2019, in Orfű. It has expanded beyond boundaries of Hungary, and turned into an international event.
Despite the terrible weather, about 500 visitors joined us for the day, both able-bodied and disabled, in more or less equal numbers.
The event was very successful, with a great atmosphere, successfully sensitizing the general public. We will orginise the event next year too.
2. Exploring barrier-free hiking routes
We have explored and tested five routes so far: Égervölgy, Mandulás Street Workout Park, Malomvölgy, Mecsekszabolcs, Orfű Lake. Each time we go on an exploration we advertise the event on our Facebook page, and the general public is invited. Everyone is welcome to join the easy-going, fun excursions. About 10 people take part in each walk. These outings have drawn the attention of the local media and have been featured in local news outlets. Our partners as well as the general public are happy to join the project. As an added bonus, these events have turned out to be great opportunities for team building.
This autumn we are planning to explore at least two more new routes.
3. Access Consulting Services
Starting this autumn, we will be available to provide expert advice on accessibility to local accommodation facilities on two locations, TDM Club in Orfű and Pécs Tourism Association. Our association has been joined by a new member, an architect, specialised in accessibility, who ran a professional training for the members of the project team.
Our first project was giving advice during the construction of a community centre in Cserkút. In the near future we will be doing the same for a guest house in Orfű.
4. Hidden City, a barrier-free guided tour
As part of the Third Barrier-Free Tourism Day we hosted a symposium on 6th September 2019. On the same day our barrier-free guided tour was piloted amid great interest and enthusiastic collaboration. The methodology has been developed, our members will be trained in Pécs subsequent to the piloting. The training will be continued in November in Germany within the frameworks of an internatonal project.
Our association has selected a project team to implement all parts of the project. The team members are all people living with a disability and have never held a job. As a result of this project our members’ work ethics, ability to work in teams and to take personal responsibility have all imporved. We are very proud of the work our members have done.

One of our basic beliefs is that we need to collaborate with our partners. During this project this goal has been achieved and has proven to be very useful. We would like to thank all our partners for the amazing work they have done.

3th Barrier-free Tourism Day

Driving a car as a vision impaired, motorcycle as a physically disabled, participate on sports-, and experience programs?

Yes, this is what we offer this year on 7th September in the third times held Barrier-free Tourism Day in Orfű (near Pécs).

All-day happy fest, events, market and besides opportunity to try activities that as disabled person you can’t at all or difficult. You can have fun as disabled and able bodied, as adult and child, while you can discover that the our injured fellow are same people like you, how can we help each other and help is a good feeling.

The event will be international this year. We will provide free lunch to the disabled people, assistants and volunteers, just as before.

The event’s main organizers are: Association, People First Association, Orfű Tourism Association.

Follow us on the Facebook and we are looking for your comments on


We can continue our sticker projekt in the framework of “Supporting of professional programmes of local, regional and national disabled organisations” FSZK application program.

199 applications were received for the deadline 19.04.2019. The under-secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources supports in the “B”of activity (Disability Projects) 50 applications, including the “Accessible Pécs!” People First project.