Since the summer we have organized several events in our InnClusive community space, which started in July. There’s been a writer-reader meeting, a “sound bath”, a creative session… and we’re launching more and more from autumn.
We also launch our regular clubs, which aim even more to build a community and generate encounters where participants will be sensitive to social inclusion and acceptance.
Our first club is intended for parents who raise children with disabilities or difficulties. Whether they’re little or already adults. We have noticed that mothers and fathers do not really get help in dealing with what has happened, so it is often more difficult for them than for the child himself. In fact, in many cases they don’t even realize that it would be good to get help, and that’s why they don’t ask for it.
We would like to provide them with self-help meetings at the Parent Club, where they can tell us what solution they found, share good experiences, contacts, ideas, talk themselves out. Sometimes we will invite an expert who gives a new impetus to the conversations.
And in our Film club we show unconventional films that also steer our thoughts towards social inclusion. In many cases, this does not even require the topic to be specifically disability. You’re guaranteed to see movies you didn’t know. And then, with the leaders of the film clubs, we’ll talk about what we’ve seen and heard with a little popcorn.
Follow the activities on our Facebook page:
You can read more about the InnClusive here: