100 locations are already listed in our unique Barrier-free Pécs Database!
We are very proud that in Pécs we have been able to run a free database in Hungarian and English since 2018, which presents REALLY accessible places.
How did it start? Let’s remember, because it feels so good.
The idea was raised by members of our association that it would be useful to have some kind of list of Pécs, where we could collect the truly accessible places. This would be very important, because as a disabled person you have to plan everything in advance: where can you get to, from where, is there any help, is there an accessible toilet, etc. etc. even etc. etc. and more etc.
Very soon, our IT engineer member joined the idea, thinking not in a list but in a database. Thinking about it further, our president thought not of a database of our own, but of a database available to all. Moreover, as this is a significant step towards the development of accessible tourism, it should be free of charge, and not only in Hungarian, but also in English.
We had to be prepared for everything.
An inspired team of our members was formed to undertake the mapping of the sites, the coordination, the fundraising.
We have organised training courses with the help of our member rehabilitation engineer. Then, having accessibility, legal and communication knowledge, we wrote the Methodology of the Accessible Pécs Database (for us it’s just APA – pun in Hungarian, meaning dad). What, how, with whom, which sites, what is the most important, checklist for exploration, how to pay the people working on it, marketing to make more people aware of it…..These were and still are the guidelines.
Since then, training has continued, exploration has become professional, as has IT support, thanks to the involvement of a new specialist member.
It was an important realization for us that what is good for people with disabilities is equally important for the elderly, families with strollers and small children, even people with wheeled bags, and anyone for whom accessibility is more convenient!
And we started.
We must admit, it was with great excitement that we entered the doors of one of the most famous restaurants in Pécs, the Nana, on 13 February 2019. If we didn’t immediately meet a very willing, supportive, cooperative welcome there, there might not have been a continuation. But the first venue gave us the impulse.

Afterwards, we also looked around Pécs, as both the residents of Pécs and tourists make excursions, and we couldn’t miss the exciting places nearby.
And we are now on 30. November 2024, when the hundredth site was presented. This is Cutler Gym, a fitness room that can be used by disabled people.

The exploratory team members were changed from time to time, because although it may not look like it from the outside, it is a very tiring and responsible job.
We have since spread the Database as best practice in international projects. It has been placed on the official website of the city of Pécs. We made video clips on our Youtube channel about the importance of accessibility for all. We have become members of the Pécs Tourism Round Table, where accessible tourism is our field. We give presentations at Hungarian and international meetings, conferences, at the university, where everyone can get to know our Database.
We are very proud of the professional team at People First who have created and maintain this database:
– a professionally trained exploratory team who are themselves people with disabilities,
– the IT team, who have created and professionalised the database and even maintain it when it needs it
– coordinators, who write applications, organise the tasks, upload data, pictures, maps, make it accessible for everyone, and manage the administration
– site owners who understand and feel that this is important, that it is worthwhile on both sides
And we are very proud of our users, people with disabilities, elderly people, families with small children, who already know that if they use the Barrier-free Pécs Database they will get guaranteed and up-to-date information.
We really value your feedback, which you can post in the “write your review” section below each site! Thank you for your own experiences so far in Hungarian, English and German.
If you feel you can support our activities, we are grateful. You can do this by using the “Adományozok” (Donate) button on our website, or by contacting us at info@peoplefirst.hu
We will certainly continue to apply, raise money to maintain the Barrier-free Pécs Database, add new sites and keep the old ones updated. 🙂