
Workshop on disability and independent living

It is great to see that we have more and more forums to talk about independent living.
But let’s face it, most of the time it’s people with disabilities talking to each other. Sometimes family members and helpers join in, which is a great achievement. But the presence of institutional staff doesn’t usually happen.

The People First Association, as part of its international Indeed project, organised such a discussion workshop in Pécs today, with the participation of all those interested in developing independent living.
Family members, full-time helpers, people with disabilities living independently and not fully independently, and innovative thinking staff/managers of institutions shared their opinions, experiences and change ideas at today’s good-mood discussion.

An important part of the workshop was to think and talk through the question “how can you make a change, what will you do differently immediately after the workshop?”
You can see what we came up with in a poster (of course, we talked in much more detail about certain topics).

The conversation will continue! Even within the Indeed project, and then we will continue in more depth, with a joint needs assessment and mutual learning in our FairCare project.

Thank you very much to everyone who was present today. Follow our Facebook page and join us next time!

You can find the posters in PDF here: Indeed poster EN

Self-determined life in long-term care

We held the first in-person meeting of our FairCare international project in Barcelona and Corbera recently.
This project aims to develop self-determination in the field of long-term care.

The target area is also a gap, but the major focus for us in this project will be on motivating all the target groups involved to engage in real, genuine close cooperation. That is what we feel is really needed, so that people in need of care, their families and carers, and professional staff can learn from each other and get to know each other’s needs.

At the first meeting, there were so many things we wanted to discuss, and we were so eager to get to work, that many of the basic questions were left out. We should of course come back to these as soon as possible.

Partners will soon start concrete work involving all relevant actors in each country.
Follow us, the People First Association will be with you soon. We want as many of you as possible to get involved in this project!

Read more about the project here: FairCare international project

Our Facebook page:

We speak the same language and the same principle. Report on 2024

Every year, so this year too, we’ve summarised what we’ve done, what events and projects we’ve been involved in, what impact we’ve had locally, nationally and internationally.
It is important for us that you know about everything we do, that we can be visible and transparent, because we work for the public, for you. While of course as an association we also try to be with and for each other as much as possible.

Read our short report on what’s been going on this year:

We speak in one language, in one principle. Report on 2024

This could be the motto for our year 2024, in which we have taken two of our activities to a new level: partnership and visibility.

In partnership, the stakes are getting higher, the challenge more exciting, the social engagement more important.
We can mention here our contract with the University of Pécs (PTE), which includes our Hidden City Tor-Tour as a programme offer for all their events. We can also mention the lectures given to numerous PTE students, which have been spreading the word about the importance of accessibility and the inclusive society in Hungary.
We can mention the strengthening of professional cooperation with local partners and local government, in which professional advice is playing an increasingly important role. We are pleased about this, because who else can give first-hand information on inclusion, independent living or accessibility if not the people affected?
We can mention international cooperations, where we now very strongly advocate the principle of “Nothing about us, without us”.
To this end, we have set up a People First Focus Group of our members, who are strongly shaping public attitudes at European level through their opinions and suggestions on international projects.

And that brings us to the activity.
The active members of our association do not only organise outwards, they also organise inwards. Many of them have realised the joy of organising, how good it is to work for others, to do good for others. Thanks to them, we have programmes in our InnClusive community space, which are open to all, meaning everyone is welcome!
We thank them for our joint excursions and meetings.
Thanks to them, we are working in this Focus Group, where they are having a huge impact on developments at European level.
And it is thanks to them that our Barrier-free Pécs Database is growing with truly accessible locations. This year we reached the 100th site, which crowned our 6 years of activity!!! Hip-hip-hooray to the tireless and professional People First team working in the Barrier-free Pécs Database!

We consider local cooperation to be exemplary in Pécs, and we are proud that our city offers the opportunity for self-empowerment. You can stand up for yourself in debate evenings, in regular meetings for accessible bus transport or for improving your environment, you can discuss partnerships with local companies, you can talk to the municipality about how to achieve better cooperation, you can stand as a representative in the municipal elections……
But the problem remains that many more people need to be involved. Would it take that long for Covid’s pull-back effect to take hold…?? Who knows what the explanation is, but more activity from people with disabilities would be needed.

We could be proud of many of our members again this year. Not only for their active work, organisation, participation in projects and Focus Groups, but also for getting national news and media, winning a grand prize of an international film festival, winning gold medals in international para-sport competitions, presenting at conferences and international meetings even in English, standing in local elections as representative…

Of course, we continue to educate ourselves, which is not only necessary, but also enjoyable.

Visibility remains a priority for us. Besides online media and press cooperation, presentations and professional meetings, this year’s biggest achievement is our cooperation with Universal Air, which is using the renewed Pécs-Pogány Airport. As a result, you can read about the People First Association in the in-flight magazine of Universal’s planes flying all over the world! Are we not rightly proud of this? 🙂

Let us also give you some figures:

  • We ran 6 projects in 2024, which you can read more about in the Projects section of our website.
  • 4 of these are Erasmus+ international partnerships, working on independent living and accessibility on a large scale.
    A bilateral Hungarian-German 3-year partnership ended in June this year, which supported the creation of our InnClusive community space (but don’t worry, the community space will continue to operate anyway).
    It was a new and big challenge for us to participate in a project supported by the International Visegrad Fund for the V4 countries. Here for the first time we wrote the international application and we are coordinating it. The topic is our Hidden City Tor-Tour.
    Our national project is the Pécs Municipal Civic Framework 2024 application, in which we have added new, truly accessible sites to our Barrier-free Pécs Database and updated some older ones. With their “Come to Pécs” Facebook campaign, we also promoted the Database and Pécs, as we see that it is possible to have a barrier-free holiday here.
  • We participated in several local events, which resulted in great collaborations and thinking together: the Civil Selfie on the survey of NGOs, P-Age clubs on ageing consciously (accessibility is an important aspect here too), TASZ discussions on local accessible bus transport, Police Café, study tours, organisation of the Barrier-free Tourism Day.
  • We deepen our knowledge at professional conferences and trainings, such as on accessible IT testing, the “Nothing about us, without us” workshop at the School of Public Life, or on Easy to Understand Communication.
  • Among our partnerships, we had the pleasure of participating in the Embassy visit to Pécs, where we had the opportunity to discuss local civic life with Canadian, French, American, British, Dutch, Spanish, Irish, Swiss, German and Belgian embassy staff.
    We mentioned the University of Pécs, with whom we have an increasingly diverse cooperation.
    Local companies and organisations are also looking to us for professional advice, which is very warming to our hearts. We were happy to give accessibility advice to Pécs-Pogány Airport, Apollo Cinema or Crost Nonprofit Ltd.
    At the Civic and Local Government Forum, we were able to share our views on the podium, we participated in the discussions on the Local Equal Opportunities Programme and we consider the role of local government in cooperation with civic organisations to be very important.
    We are grateful for the requests from schools in and around Pécs to organise various sensitisation activities and Hidden City walks, and we are very happy to do so!
  • We continue to believe that participation in the world of work is an important part of independent living. We support this by providing some work opportunities within the People First Association. This can be entrepreneurial, it can be a kind of transit employment, participation in projects.

If you like what we do, join us!
Attend our events, come to InnClusive, follow us on online media and find out all about us.
We also welcome you as an association member, email us at

You can follow us here to find out more about us and our programmes:
Youtube channel: 


How did we get from 1 to 100 in 6 years

100 locations are already listed in our unique Barrier-free Pécs Database!

We are very proud that in Pécs we have been able to run a free database in Hungarian and English since 2018, which presents REALLY accessible places.

How did it start? Let’s remember, because it feels so good.
The idea was raised by members of our association that it would be useful to have some kind of list of Pécs, where we could collect the truly accessible places. This would be very important, because as a disabled person you have to plan everything in advance: where can you get to, from where, is there any help, is there an accessible toilet, etc. etc. even etc. etc. and more etc.

Very soon, our IT engineer member joined the idea, thinking not in a list but in a database. Thinking about it further, our president thought not of a database of our own, but of a database available to all. Moreover, as this is a significant step towards the development of accessible tourism, it should be free of charge, and not only in Hungarian, but also in English.

We had to be prepared for everything.
An inspired team of our members was formed to undertake the mapping of the sites, the coordination, the fundraising.
We have organised training courses with the help of our member rehabilitation engineer. Then, having accessibility, legal and communication knowledge, we wrote the Methodology of the Accessible Pécs Database (for us it’s just APA – pun in Hungarian, meaning dad). What, how, with whom, which sites, what is the most important, checklist for exploration, how to pay the people working on it, marketing to make more people aware of it…..These were and still are the guidelines.
Since then, training has continued, exploration has become professional, as has IT support, thanks to the involvement of a new specialist member.

It was an important realization for us that what is good for people with disabilities is equally important for the elderly, families with strollers and small children, even people with wheeled bags, and anyone for whom accessibility is more convenient!

And we started.
We must admit, it was with great excitement that we entered the doors of one of the most famous restaurants in Pécs, the Nana, on 13 February 2019. If we didn’t immediately meet a very willing, supportive, cooperative welcome there, there might not have been a continuation. But the first venue gave us the impulse.

Afterwards, we also looked around Pécs, as both the residents of Pécs and tourists make excursions, and we couldn’t miss the exciting places nearby.

And we are now on 30. November 2024, when the hundredth site was presented. This is Cutler Gym, a fitness room that can be used by disabled people.

The exploratory team members were changed from time to time, because although it may not look like it from the outside, it is a very tiring and responsible job.

We have since spread the Database as best practice in international projects. It has been placed on the official website of the city of Pécs. We made video clips on our Youtube channel about the importance of accessibility for all. We have become members of the Pécs Tourism Round Table, where accessible tourism is our field. We give presentations at Hungarian and international meetings, conferences, at the university, where everyone can get to know our Database.

We are very proud of the professional team at People First who have created and maintain this database:
– a professionally trained exploratory team who are themselves people with disabilities,
– the IT team, who have created and professionalised the database and even maintain it when it needs it
– coordinators, who write applications, organise the tasks, upload data, pictures, maps, make it accessible for everyone, and manage the administration
– site owners who understand and feel that this is important, that it is worthwhile on both sides
And we are very proud of our users, people with disabilities, elderly people, families with small children, who already know that if they use the Barrier-free Pécs Database they will get guaranteed and up-to-date information.

We really value your feedback, which you can post in the “write your review” section below each site! Thank you for your own experiences so far in Hungarian, English and German.

If you feel you can support our activities, we are grateful. You can do this by using the “Adományozok” (Donate) button on our website, or by contacting us at

We will certainly continue to apply, raise money to maintain the Barrier-free Pécs Database, add new sites and keep the old ones updated. 🙂


Next newsletter on accessibility in the banking sector

Our international CODE project is working with a number of European partners to make banking and financial services more accessible for people with disabilities.
A very important goal, in which we want to involve not only users but also the professionals of the financial sector.
We also appreciate your forwarding information about the CODE project. The second Newsletter provides a brief update on the progress of the project.

Click here to read the December Newsletter: Newsletter CODE December 2024

Read more about CODE here: CODE project
And we are also very happy to tell you more about our activities, contact us at

Work in progress with our Focusgroup

In all our international projects, we consider our main task as a Hungarian partner is to implement the principle of “Nothing about us, without us”.
This is why we have created a Focusgroup in 2023 within the association, made up of active members who commit to contribute to this principle through their work, opinions, comments or even personal participation.
They are those who shape the progress of international projects by enforcing the above principle, thus having a huge impact on the quality of life of people with disabilities at European level.

On 3. December 2024, some members of our Focusgroup had a fantastic performance at the week-long meeting of our international Soul Mate project in Rome.
The project on mental support for employees with disabilities is currently running a training course on this topic for future trainers and partners.
On this day, the People First Association held the afternoon session, where we presented our Focusgroup.
We talked about its structure, its work in international projects.
We talked about what it’s like to be involved and to be a member of a Focusgroup in the Soul Mate project.
And we talked about what it’s like to be an employee in the primary labour market as a person with a disability.
All this was particularly relevant yesterday on World Day of People with Disabilities.

We heard some really good presentations and, especially personal experiences on the above topics in English from our Focusgroup members: Hilda, Ágota, Zoli, Gergő and Péter. Congratulations for your honest and important thoughts!

Just recently, we held an end-of-year brunch with the Focusgroup members, where the association’s leadership thanked the 17 active and committed members for their work this year. We consider their work to be crucial to international projects and they deserve recognition for this.

Learn more about our international projects in the Projects menu on our website.

We are featured in Universal Air’s in-flight magazine

The Universal Air airline’s winter in-flight magazine 2024-2025 features the People First Association’s Hidden City Tor-tour and the Barrier-free Pécs Database!

We are very proud and we think it is a great opportunity that hundreds of people flying all over the world can read about the fact that there are barrier-free tourism opportunities in Pécs.

In our association’s appearance in the magazine we highlighted not only the Hidden City Tor-Tour in Pécs, and the Barrier-free Pécs Database, which presents truly accessible sites in 12 categories, in Hungarian and English.
Indeed, the point of our advertisement is to showcase the Hidden City Tor-Tour as a best practice and a special opportunity for accessible tourism. As part of our “Walk in our shoes” project, supported by the Visegrad Fund, we have been promoting the Hidden City Tor-Tour to our Polish and Czech partners through training and study tours. Currently, the tour is being implemented in Poznan and Vrchlabi, and we have also raised awareness of the tour among the flying public.

You can read online the full winter in-flight magazine here:

If you would like to get involved in the development of accessible tourism, or to start your own Hidden City Tor Tour, register on the English-language Platform created by our association and let’s work together:

The FairCare international project launched

We are involved in a new international Erasmus+ project with a long-awaited, important goal: to develop self-determination in long-term care.

We have been planning this project with our international partners for years and we are now getting started. Our aim is to involve all the target groups concerned and provide them with a training course in which they can work closely together. The aim of this training programme is to empower people with disabilities and/or in need of care, as well as their carers and family members, to empower them to exercise self-determination in long-term care/care.

We kicked off the project with great excitement with our first online meeting on 4. November 2024. This will be followed by a face-to-face partner meeting in January 2025, where partners will arrive with ready-made plans.

Read on to find out what the project aims to do, how it will be implemented, who will be involved and what People First’s role will be.

Click here:

International meeting on independent living in Pécs

The international meeting of our Indeed project was this time in Pécs, Hungary. On 15-16 October, our Slovak, Italian and German partners visited us in our InnClusive community space in Balokány-grove.

We had an intense two days, approaching independent living from many different aspects. We wanted to present the Hungarian situation in particular, with questions, comments and own experiences from other countries.

What we are most proud of is that, at the start of the first day, several members of our association spoke about their own experiences of independent living.
Balázs Oláh
talked about why he made this decision and what it was like to move from his family to a small supported housing community recently. He got a lot of motivation from living independently and made huge progress in many everyday activities.
Gyöngyi Molnár is slowly moving from her own apartment to a small supported housing community. For now she only spends weekends there, but she would like to live more and more with her flatmates. She has also discovered new skills thanks to the fact that in independent housing there is no parent to jump in to help, take her car to the service or fuel, she has to do everything herself. She realised she could do it and really enjoyed it.
Evelin Almádi talked about what it is like to live alone in your own apartment as a visually impaired person. She lives a full life as a non-sighted person, she works and even plays sports, she regularly runs around Lake Malomvölgyi with help and has cycled around Lake Balaton on a tandem bike.
We heard from Hilda Kerekes about how she is dealing with the fact that she used to be married and live in her own flat, and has now moved back in with her parents. What difficulties she faces in finding a job as a disabled person, what plans she has and what she has to face.
Péter Makay shared some very interesting thoughts from the other side. Péter changed from an Italian teacher to a personal assistant. He feels he gets as much as he gives, is energised by his work. He shared many interesting details with the international team about how personal assistants can work in Hungary today, who they can help and how. He received a lot of questions from representatives of other countries.

We heard a presentation on support services, where the university support service was of particular interest.
We summarised for our guests what self-advocacy organisations are operating in Hungary.
We talked about the Pécs community budget (“Decide with us!”), which is also a great opportunity for empowerment for people with disabilities.
We presented the Barrier-free Tourism Day festival, which we have been organising since 2016 with great national interest in Orfű.

Then we discussed the project tasks ahead.

We screened short films, played quizzes, and at the end we cooked “lecsó” together in a joint barbeque, so that our guests could find out what real Hungarian cuisine is like. 🙂

We will regularly update you on the progress of the project on our Facebook page.
Read more about the Indeed project here: