
Your opinion is very important!

From now on, you can also comment on the locations described in our Barrier-free Pécs database! You’re helping a lot of other people who are going to use the given location.

The process is very simple: just rate with stars below each location, and then write your opinion on the accessibility of that location.
The goal should always be to give guidance to others! Don’t scold, just be helpful.

Describe your own perspectives as disabled, elderly, or with a stroller.

In the Barrier-free Pécs menu we also described how you can do this in the Instructions.
We look forward to your comments in the Barrier-free Pécs database.


Three letters which most of us don’t know. What’s wrong is that they don’t know who it’s for.
CSR is an acronym for Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility is the activity a company does for the well-being of the community around it.
What is exciting about it is that it is both an economic and a social issue, because if a company helps the community around it, it builds its own brand, so it will be sympathetic, and this will greatly promotes business recovery.

CSR also includes promoting equal opportunities and supporting NGOs working for this reason – and that is where we come in.

Unfortunately, it is not yet evident in Hungary that a company is unthinkable without CSR activity, but there are encouraging signs. For the time being, we can talk about companies working on the international stage or foreign-owned companies.

For the People First Association 2021 has brought hope, confidence and faith in the goodness of company managers and employees. Our association was able to participate in the following CSR grants, for which we are very grateful  – even for the opportunities and the way of thinking!

  • In June we participated in a GE (General Electric) competition, where we applied for pro bono support for communication and marketing. So we wouldn’t have gotten paid, we’d get professional help. Unfortunately, we didn’t win it, but the opportunity has already thrilled us.
  • In July the Körber Hungária Machine Manufacturing Ltd., based in Pécs, launched a tender for activities aimed at supporting NGOs for the benefit of the community due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We were not successful in this competition either, but unexpectedly for Christmas we received a 150.000 HUF grant from the employees of Körber, who gave up their own Christmas present to support NGOs that did not win in the summer, but still like them! This is a really touching form of CSR, and it was a great pleasure for us.
  • In September Spar had the opportunity to support on the basis of a tender, from which we were delighted to receive HUF 50,000 in the form of nice red vouchers. It will be of great use in our “InnClusive” Community Space!
  • From October we have been invited to the usual free rehearsals of the Pannon Philharmonic, which is offered to NGOs dealing with disadvantaged people and people with disabilities. We’ve lived and live with it, we love free rehearsals, which we think are even more exciting than real shows.
  • The very different ways in which CSR can be implemented also shows the case of our national conference in November. We ordered the catering from Reggeli (Breakfast and brunch restaurant), which is already well known for its social responsibility. Their CSR philosophy is to provide discounts to certain social NGOs from the tailored price. This has been a huge help to us.
  • And in December we registered for OTP’s new program (the largest bank in Hungary), where a case can be selected within the framework of CSR, which can be supported by anyone with any amount, even a few hundred Forints, in several bank transactional ways, and the bank will send the donation to the selected organization. It’s a fantastic initiative, we hope to get in, it’s still a question of the future.

Thank you to the companies and firms for thinking like this and making the world a better place!
Go Pécs, let have as many small and large companies as possible that want to develop while helping communities. Let’s be exemplary in that too!

Closing report: Make Pécs accessible to everyone! – STICKER project 3.

For three years now our sticker project has been carried out steadily and more professionally.  Between 1. January 2021 and 30. November 2021. the current phase WAS SUPPORTED BY THE CITIZENS OF PÉCS THEMSELVES through the “Élő Adás/Live Broadcast” community fundraising project of the Pécs Community Foundation. This gave the project a special boost, atmosphere and heart.

In the third phase, we undertook to
– we continuously go through and review existing sites
– we map all accessible accommodation in Pécs
– we organise a national conference on accessibility and cooperation between organisations carrying out similar activities in the country

The Covid pandemic has made our activities more difficult even now, at the beginning of 2021 we were only able to carry out our work difficultly due to the closures during the third wave of the epidemic. However, this period has been devoted to professional training, recasting the methodology, preparing and upgrading existing locations.
Also at the beginning of the year we had a successful discussion with the municipality of Pécs, Deputy Mayor Lajos Nyögéri. The result was continuous cooperation, during which we were able to participate effectively in the tourism development and marketing of the city. Among other things, we became responsible for accessible tourism at the Tourist RoundTable, carried out an accessible review of the city’s official renewable website (, appeared on the page in an extra menu item our Barrier-free Pécs database ( ), published with the support of the city the print publication of the Barrier-free Pécs database, and a written Cooperation Agreement was established between our association and the city.

We tried to inform the public about our activities in all forms: we sent Newsletters to the supporters and participants of the Barrier-free Pécs database about the progress of our activities, we reported on the new locations in regular Facebook and Instagram posts and campaigns, we talked about the database at numerous workshops and conferences both in Hungary and abroad, we were Best practice in several international projects, we filmed eye-catching flashmob videos that can still be seen on our own Youtube channel, we have been in the press several times, we have made business cards for team members.

It was a huge step forward that thanks to our IT developers our website and database were professionally eded out in May. This makes searchability, appearance and interactive options much easier and smarter.

Cooperation with the Tourinform office Pécs was also an important step, as a result of which our fun Hidden City Tor-Tour, presenting the accessibility of Pécs, became a permanent thematic tourist offer (

On 10. November 2021, in the shadow of Covid, but we held our national conference very successfully. Here an exciting professional discussion emerged about the need for accessibility, its human fundamental rights, and the topic of accessibility of historic buildings which is particularly topical in Pécs. We will build cooperation in the future with the other 3 organizations in Hungary that operate a similar accessible list or database.

There are currently 74 locations per 12 categories or parts of the city (Downtown, Kertváros, Uránváros, outside Pécs) in the Barrier-free Pécs database. The exploration of the sites was carried out regularly by 10 members. Our IT development was carried out by Balázs Oláh and Zoltán Borsodi. We were able to present 10 accommodations/hotels as accessible in the database, however, we have three times that number of which we visited in Pécs. We had to ask about 20 of the existing sites to make the changes.

We have already seen a very positive attitude from both the site owners/managers and the people of the city, the press and the city administration. Go Pécs, let the county seat of Baranya be exemplaryly accessible!

Our team is tired by the end of the third year and we cannot appreciate them financially enough. So we will not continue the excavations in this form. However, this does not mean that we do not develop or expand the Barrier-free Pécs database! We are creating a stand-by team and looking for new accessible locations in and around Pécs, just as we are very much looking for more support opportunities!

If you would like to support our activities, you can also do so by using the ADOMÁNYOZOK (DONATE) button on the homepage of our website in the form of a bank transfer.

People First virtual Advent Calendar

From 1st of December you can read a gift from our association members every day on our Facebook page. This can be a favorite citation, a self poem, own short story or fairy tale, recipe idea, nice picture, own video….. something that reflects the individuality of our member and which we think can bring joy to you who follow and read us.

Follow us and read us every day on our Facebook page in We hope we can bring you a little joy in the Advent preparation.

We also welcome you to send us a gift in a comment under Facebook posts: your own writing, favorite picture, decoration idea, recipe, citation…… it make us happy believe it!

Pécs Civic Concept is made

Two-and-a-half years of process, 3 civil forums, the involvement of 609 NGOs in Pécs, the unprecedented detailed analysis of the situation in Pécs – PÉCS CIVIC CONCEPT as a real bottom-up initiative has arrived in finis.

On November 30. 2021. Gábor Zag deputy mayor, dr. Márta Kunszt a civil councillor, and the Nevelők Háza Association invited the NGOs actively involved in the process to the banquet hall of the City Hall Pécs for a final professional consultation, after which the draft will be submitted to the general assembly.

In the last two and a half years, many of us have commented on the draft concept, many of us have shaped it, and the Nevelők Háza Association has agreed to compile the Civil Concept of the city of Pécs.

The concept is definitely good!
It involves partnerships with civilians from the city, more efficient public service tasks, urban volunteering.
Within the framework of the partnership professional working groups will be formed, a civil database will be created, an urban civic portal and a civil column will be established, there will be a Pécs Civil Citizens’ Day event, a Civil Tender Fund, the districts will be able to decide on their own developments, and a civil coordinator institution will start its work to coordinate the relations between the municipality and the civilians.

We look forward to the decision of the general assembly in December, and then to work with the municipality and our civil partners!

According to the promise of deputy mayor Gábor Zag, this concept certainly did not fall for the desk drawer. We think that we civilians should also do it, but as we saw, the organizations in Pécs are ready for action.

Our Hidden City accessible downtown tour is starting!

We have worked on it a lot, and now in cooperation with the Tourinform office in Pécs our project to develop accessible tourism related to our Barrier-free Pécs database, the Hidden City’s accessible thematic downtown walk will be realized as a permanent thematic tourism offer!

It is a real delicacy, a tourist speciality, for which we welcome interesteds, local residents, tourists, school groups.
We do not expect a tour of traditional sights in Pécs, butnwe present the tricks in a cheerful atmosphere on how to approach a place for people with disabilities, the elderly, parents with strollers.

You can read all the details of the People First event here (in Hungarian):

Just like on the Tourinform side (in Hungarian):

Tickets can be purchased at the Tourinform office during opening hours, i.e. Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 or even before the tour starts.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!


We inaugurated accessible tourism consultants

Accessible tourism peer-counselors and trainers have been introduced to close the three-year Peer-AcT project. The project implemented by the five countries creates development in a niche area in Hungary: on the one hand, it distributes accessible tourism itself, and on the other hand it involves those who know best about this area: the people with disabilities themselves!

We are so lucky that all this is happening in Pécs in Hungary. The People First Association has trained 10 certified peer consultants in professional training who can work as professional consultants in tourism organizations, decision-makers, local government, domestic and international projects. 

Based on the two training methods developed in the international project, the People First Association will in the near future train additional peer experts from people with disabilities, and together with our current peer-consultants we will provide training for tourism experts on accessible tourism.
From January next year, our consultants will hold consulting hours on a monthly basis at specific times in our “Innclusive” Community Space, where they can be asked about accessible tourism and independent living. 

We will not stop doing niche research on the travel habits of people with disabilities, we would like to continue to cooperate with the excellent experts of The University of Pécs Tourism and Marketing Institute.

If you are interested in training as a disabled person or as a tourism organization you would like to provide truly (!) accessible services, we look forward to your request here:

A little more about the Peer-AcT project in English: Peer-Act Erasmus+ KA2 International Project | People First

Summary of our conference

Everything that can be made accessible
Are monumental buildings really excluded?

Our conference was the conclusion and evaluation of a year’s work. What have we been working on for the past year? What we have been working on for three years is the creation and further development of the Barrierfree Pécs database. In the past year our activities, which we called the “sticker” project, started in 2018, were supported by the citizens of Pécs themselves with their donations, through the “Élő Adás/Live Broadcast” fundraising event of the Pécs Community Foundation. We also owed them a summary and evaluation, which was an excellent opportunity for the conference held on 10. November 2021 at the House of Civil Communities in Pécs.

We grouped the presentations of the conference into two main topics: 

The importance of accessibility, target group and how accessibility is to be made. Within this we tried to focus on the possibility of accessibility of monument buildings by experts. After all, during the development of the Barrierfree Pécs database, we also ran into ahalf-way response several times, saying that “it is not possible to make it accessible here, because it is a monument, we cannot touch it”.
We felt that this was more of a “blanket” than the truth, but now at our conference it became clear with the lectures of architects/Rehabilitation Engineers Henriett Szabó and Ildikó Tamasy Kakusziné that this was not the case. People also want to visit the historic buildings, including people with disabilities, so accessibility is equally mandatory. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of a particular building, but this does not exclude for example the Colosseum in Rome, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, or the many, many monument buildings in Dresden being accessible to everyone (emphasis here: EVERYONE). Moreover, accessibility must be true not only for buildings, but also for services, including the entire chain of services. 

Our other topic was the presentation of databases that really explore accessibility and evaluate them according to peer expert criteria, and cooperation between them. Our association presented the database of Barrierfree Pécs, which has developed into a professional one in 3 years. There are currently 72 locations in it, according to 12 categories, in Hungarian and English. Our goal remains to help the local population and tourists who visit here, to make their lives predictable, and to promote accessible tourism. This year, in cooperation with the Tourism Development Department of Pécs MunicipalityJV, the database can be scrolled through in the form of a handy publication, for the time being only in Hungarian, but the aim is also the English publication. 

We heard interesting lectures on the Facebook site “Gurulva a nagyvilágban” (“rolling around the world”) and Access4you, and a short text introduction about Hungary4all. The mother-daughter duo of Gurulva a nagyvilágban (Victoria Pálinkás and Beáta Tanka) cover the accessible locations during their many journeys, while Budapest’s entire transport has been explored and the country’s petrol stations have also been searched. Access4you has developed a certification system as a professional business to evaluate accessible locations. As founder and managing director Balázs Berecz said, it is possible to move up in this system, which will encourage each location to further develop in the field of accessibility. 

The target group is always very broad and far from limited to people with disabilities. Accessibility is equally important for the elderly, families with young children, temporary injured or even suitcase pullers, so there is a need for broad cooperation. This is what we “database creators” will be working on in the near future, and at the conference we decided to continue the professional consultation very soon. 

Public work is also important, as a database works effectively when it reaches as many people as possible. 

Help us with this, share the post and help you create and develop accessible databases.

You can find our Barrierfree Pécs database here in English:

Everything that can be made accessible. Are monumental buildings really excluded?

The People First Association awaits the stakeholders for a thought-provoking, future-shaping conference. The theme of the conference is accessibility, in particular the accessibility of historic buildings, which is particularly topical in Pécs.

Our aim is to raise awareness of the essence and importance of accessibility, especially for those who are in a position to make decisions.
University students who shape the future are also very important, and we provide them useful informations.

Where? Pécs, Szent István tér 17., barrierfree conference room of the House of Civil Communities
When? 10. November 2021, 10.00-16.00

The conference is free of charge, but registration is required. Please indicate your intention to participate to the email address.

Clubs start in the InnClusive

Since the summer we have organized several events in our InnClusive community space, which started in July. There’s been a writer-reader meeting, a “sound bath”, a creative session… and we’re launching more and more from autumn.

We also launch our regular clubs, which aim even more to build a community and generate encounters where participants will be sensitive to social inclusion and acceptance.

Our first club is intended for parents who raise children with disabilities or difficulties. Whether they’re little or already adults. We have noticed that mothers and fathers do not really get help in dealing with what has happened, so it is often more difficult for them than for the child himself. In fact, in many cases they don’t even realize that it would be good to get help, and that’s why they don’t ask for it.
We would like to provide them with self-help meetings at the Parent Club, where they can tell us what solution they found, share good experiences, contacts, ideas, talk themselves out. Sometimes we will invite an expert who gives a new impetus to the conversations.

And in our Film club we show unconventional films that also steer our thoughts towards social inclusion. In many cases, this does not even require the topic to be specifically disability. You’re guaranteed to see movies you didn’t know. And then, with the leaders of the film clubs, we’ll talk about what we’ve seen and heard with a little popcorn.

Follow the activities on our Facebook page:

You can read more about the InnClusive here: